The Pros of Getting a Seasonal Job

Businesses around Maui are hiring for the holiday season. So, even if you’re looking for a full time job, a seasonal job may still be a good fit for the next two months. If you’re not sure what skills you have or where to apply, take this job skills assessment. Here are the pros of getting a seasonal job.

  1. Build your resume

Building a resume is important to most employers. They want to see a wide-range of skills and abilities. Showing your flexibility, your loyalt="jobs and employers"y and abilities are key items to showcase on your resume. In essence, a resume will land you an interview, so spend some time building various skills in the areas you want to work in.

  1. Get a foot in the door

Taking a seasonal job is a great way to test drive a business without the pressure of taking on a full time position. Learn from firsthand experience whether a business is a good fit for your personality, skills and lifestyle. Additionally, you will learn a lot about the leadership style of managers and how they treat their employees at every level. If it’s a good match your chances of staying on are greater because they already know you and your work ethic.

  1. Fill in resume gaps

If you’ve been out of work for awhile, taking on a seasonal job will fill in those resume gaps. While gaps aren’t always seen as negative, especially if the reason is due to life changes, like staying home with children, a reorganization layoff or medical situation – getting back to work as soon as you’re able is seen as more positive by potential employers.

  1. Gain experience

Experience is always a plus! Never underestimate the value of the knowledge you can gain at work. A job description only tells a part of the story. Most jobs have additional duties as assigned or will offer those eager for more challenges the opportunity to expand beyond what was originally offered. Make the job what you want it to be and it could lead to bigger prospects.

  1. Extra money (and discounts!)

With the holidays around the corner take advantage of a job that offers discounts. Work where you like to shop and save on your presents.

As you think about applying for seasonal jobs, make you own pros (and cons) list to decide what will work best for you. At best you’ll gain experience, money and new opportunities. At worst, you’ll miss on holiday time with family and friends due to your work schedule. However, these jobs won’t last long so take a chance and see what happens. It could lead to your next amazing career.