Fall Forward: Time to Research Opportunities

The Fall season brings change. School resumes once again and holiday plans are being considered. What about your career? Is it time for a change? The Maui County Virtual Job Fair site is the perfect place to start. Maui County has teamed up with the Maui American Job Center and University of Hawaii to share all of their resources with you.

First, create an account at www.mcvjf.com. This opens the door for you to list all of your experience, education, training and awards. Employers who post job openings can potentially be matched to you, if you qualify. You may receive an email or call for a new job without even applying. However, there are always new jobs being added and you can start applying for those jobs right away.

The University of Hawaii offers many types of training. You can take virtual classes, live or recorded, to add some basic skills or you can dive right into a degree program. Either way, there are options for those who would like to learn more and improve your future.

Follow MCVJF on Facebook, where new jobs are posted along with in-person job fairs. These job fairs are a great way to meet with potential employers and get a feel for who they are and the types of personalities they are looking for. This is your chance to make a good impression, so we encourage you to stay up-to-date on the job fairs schedule.

The Maui American Job Center has a tool called My Next Move. Take some time to research your next career by taking a short quiz. This will give you an idea about where you will likely thrive in the future.

No matter what you want to do, the Maui County Virtual Job Fair has a way to move you forward. We can’t wait to help you!