Unemployment Insurance Changes on Sept. 4, 2021…

Click Here to read specifics on each type of Unemployment Benefit –  Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), and regular Unemployment Insurance (UI)


On September 4, 2021, the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC), and Mixed Earners Unemployment Compensation (MEUC) programs will end. Once these programs end, only the regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) program will be available.
PEUC $25 Option claimants:
For individuals who established a new initial claim but chose to remain on the PEUC program under the PEUC $25 Option, your new UI claim will be reinstated and you can continue to collect benefits under that claim.
You will need to serve a waiting period (non-payable) a week before benefits can be paid. Individuals may be eligible for a new initial claim after September 4, 2021, if they meet the following criteria:
• The benefits end-year date of your most recent regular UI claim must have passed
• You must have returned to work and been paid at least five (5) times your new weekly benefit amount since the first day of your prior initial claim
• You must have been paid wages in at least two-quarters of your base period
• You must have been employed and paid wages for insured work during the base period in an amount equal to no less than twenty-six (26) times your new weekly benefit amount.
• Please note you will need to serve a waiting period (non-payable) a week before benefits can be paid.
Individuals who did not qualify for the PEUC $25 Option or meet the criteria for a new initial claim after September 4, 2021:
• TheAmerican Job Center (AJC) Hawaii is a free, one-stop center that provides career counseling, HireNet Hawaii support, skills training, job search assistance, and a resource training center. Contact your local AJC office to schedule an appointment. 808-270-5777
• Resources are also available with the state department of Human Services at https://humanservices.hawaii.gov/
For more information, visit: www.hawaiiunemploymentinfo.com