Resources for the Win!

The Rooted and Resilient Resource Fair was a success! 30 Maui resources came together on the University of Hawaii Maui campus on August 21st and everyone raved about how much they loved it. The common theme of every booth when asked what people should know about their services was, “Just ask us if you qualify. We want to help!”

Good Will has a couple of programs that the Maui community needs to know more about. Ola I Ka Hana is their Youth Service program designed to help young adults from 14-24. The woman we spoke to at the booth has helped tutor young people through high school, found them internships and gotten them on career and education tracks. This is all based on the students needs and aspirations for the future. If your child has Quest or your household qualifies for SNAP, that’s a quick way to get started. If a young adult is over 18 they can qualify if they are unemployed. The main message of this program is they want to help the youth of Maui succeed and will work with them until their goals are completed.

The other Good Will program is for dislocated workers. Don’t let the verbiage confuse you. Anyone who is unemployed because of the Lahaina fires or through no fault of their own can connect with this program to see if they qualify for job assistance. This includes help with resume writing, work clothing, tuition or training fees and access to their job contacts. If you or a friend have struggled in the Maui job market, give Good Will a call.

Maui Family Support Services is an amazing resource dedicated to helping connect residents to the resources they need. This could be childcare, help with rent, navigating the SNAP program, support groups and more! If you feel like you need a guide to get you back on your feet and explain programs, call Maui Family Support Services.

PATCH is all about the keiki! If you need help finding childcare, qualifying for subsidies or even starting your own childcare business, this resource is full of ways to help. They offer free online training, will help you get licensed and make sure your business is in compliance with Hawaii state standards.

Finally, Job Corp is one of the best kept secrets on Maui that needs to be shared. Young people can qualify for free job training on their college campus. Maui offers a few specialt="jobs and employers"y career tracks in construction, Finance/Business and Hospitality. However, once someone is approved for Job Corp they will send you to another campus that has the career track you want even if Maui doesn’t offer it. Those who are accepted into the program can finish their high school diploma, take college level classes and get on track to learn the skills they need for a promising career on their chosen path.

There were so many resources available and we’re just highlighting a few. The main take-a-way is get connected and ask how they can help you. Find out if you or your keiki qualify and take charge of your future. The men and woman who work at these non-profits want to help!