Make Your Own Luck

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”

We’ve all had dreams of someone coming up to us and offering us the perfect job. We’ve thought, oh I wish I could do…insert your dream job here. We’ve all heard of the “overnight success” story where someone from obscurity is now in the limelight. But are they really an overnight success? Or did they work for years honing their skills or practicing a craft?

In today’s world we have so much knowledge at our fingertips. We have YouTube videos on how to fix almost anything. The phones in our pocket are 36,600 times faster than the computers that sent men to the moon! Sounds like the sky isn’t really the limit!

This month, let’s make our own luck. Let’s take steps forward to prepare us better for the dream job. It’s the only way our future is going to change for the better. Like Elsa from “Frozen” sings, “You are the one you’ve been waiting for.”

Ways to Prepare:

  1. Complete your Maui County Virtual Job Fair profile
  2. Follow 5 new employers you’re interested in working for
  3. Sign-up for Upskill training at UH
  4. Have someone look over your resume
  5. Follow the Maui County Virtual Job Fair Facebook page for up-to-date job fair dates
  6. Look for ways to volunteer in organizations you’re interested in
  7. Establish an online presence on social media sites like LinkedIn In
  8. Surround yourself with friends who are working in their ideal career
  9. Start doing what you love even before you get paid for it
  10. Network with people who are in your desired field

A dream coming true starts with real life steps. Set your goals and then work toward them. You may find your path ends up taking you somewhere else. Regardless, you’ll be in control of your future and that confidence will propel you forward into your dream job. Keep your eyes open and use the resources available on