Ige Reinstates Job-Search Requirement for the Unemployed, May 30, 2021


Gov. David Ige will be reinstating the state’s unemployment work-search requirement beginning May 30. That means claimants will need to apply for at least three jobs per week to receive their benefits. *Claimants receiving PUA benefits are exempt from the rule.
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Since the coronavirus pandemic began, Hawaii has waived the requirement that people search for at least three jobs a week while collecting unemployment benefits. The waiver is authorized by federal law.

Governor Ige said the state will continue the extra $300 weekly federal unemployment payment, also known as “plus-up.” More than 20 mainland states with Republican governors and legislatures have dropped the extra jobless aid. “We will not be suspending any of the federal initiatives at this time,” said Ige, who is a Democrat.

The federal plus-up was $600 a week early in the pandemic, expired for a period, then was reinstated at $300 a week. The latest payment, which was included in President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion economic rescue package, is scheduled to end nationwide on Sept. 6, 2021.

Some employers say the plus-up is making it harder to hire workers or to entice furloughed ones back to their jobs.

Governor Ige said state officials are evaluating incentives from mainland states to get people back to work.

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