Hiring? How to Add a Job Position To Impress!

You have job openings. You are looking for smart, dedicated, creative, flexible, hard working people. But so is everyone else. Job seekers know it and they’re keeping their options open. They are looking for the ONE right now. The perfect fit. Here’s how you can sweeten the deal and put yourself at the top of everyone’s list.

  1. Offer More Money

It’s a job seekers market and they are looking for the opportunity that will pay the best. Can you offer more per hour? A signing bonus or a higher percentage of sales? The right candidate will be qualified and fit in with your company culture, but more money can seal the deal. Competitive salaries could be the difference in a job seeker seeing your company as a long term situation, rather than a short term stop on their resume.

  1. Job Perks

A good salary is not the only thing job seekers are looking for. Freedom and flexibility can also bring quality candidates. Does the candidate need to be available for school pick-up? Do they need more flexibility for family on holidays? Negotiating a flexible work schedule brings value to your position and shows job seekers that you care about their life outside of work, which in turn brings loyalt="jobs and employers"y.

  1. Training

A great candidate with all of the qualities you’re looking for may lack education or experience. Can you offer to pay for classes, webinars or job training? Training someone with soft skills or adding function to  their technical skills is a great way to find that perfect person for  your  team. It will take investment from both parties but will pay off in the end. Employees are more likely to stay with a company longer if they feel like they are appreciated and offered opportunities for advancement.

  1. Be Genuine

During the interview process it is important to be up front about the position, what you are offering, the culture of your business and where you see growth happening. Find out what each candidate wants and craft a plan for each one. It may take more time and energy, but the payoffdown the road will be less turnover and more loyalt="jobs and employers"y. Job seekers want to be appreciated, know they have landed in a good place and have opportunity for growth. Make the job offer a win/win.  2021 has caused everyone to reevaluate their work life balance and what is most important to them. Making these simple changes will strengthen your business, your current team and promote all around growth. So don’t wait! Update your job postings at www.mcvjf.com and get hiring today.